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Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical procedure used to reduce localized body fat in specific areas of the body.
It is also known as “fat removal by freezing”. During the procedure, a device is used that cools the skin and underlying fat to very low temperatures, which causes the fat cells to die. The body then naturally eliminates these fat cells for several weeks after treatment. Cryolipolysis is mainly used on the abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms and chin.


The results of cryolipolysis vary from person to person, but in general the results are can expect a fat reduction of about 20-25% in the treated area. It is important to keep in mind that cryolipolysis is not a method for weight loss but rather a way to eliminate fat in specific body areas that do not respond to diet and exercise.

Results may take several weeks to be visible, as the body needs time to process and eliminate dead fat cells. A healthy lifestyle is recommended to maintain long-term results.

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