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Skin Conditions

Enfermedades de la Piel

Skin Diseases

Skin diseases can be very varied, but they certainly have something in common. The fact is that all of them affect the health and appearance of the skin, even to the extent of
affect patients’ self-esteem.

A visit to a dermatologist is essential for diagnosis and personalized treatment. Among the most common diseases are rosacea, acne, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, venereal and capillary diseases, among others. Specialized care ensures healthy skin and a better quality of life.

Dermatology continues to advance with new research and therapeutic approaches, offering hope for those facing these skin challenges.

Skin Diseases

There are several skin diseases. A comprehensive and collaborative approach between the patient and dermatologist is key to properly addressing skin diseases and maintaining healthy, radiant skin.


1 - rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that mainly affects the face and is characterized by facial redness. It is produced by a mite called Demodex folliculorum which is a parasite that resides in the sebaceous glands.


Acne is one of the most common skin diseases affecting adolescents and young adults in particular. In adolescents, acne occurs mainly because the body produces more androgens (hormones) during puberty. Among other things, they stimulate the skin to produce more oil. This skin oil (sebum) is produced by the sebaceous glands. If a sebaceous gland is blocked, sebum cannot drain and a pimple develops.


3 Neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis, also known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic, inflammatory, non-contagious skin disease that occurs periodically.
The disease progresses in phases, and manifests with unbearable itching usually affecting the scalp, face and/or hands.

Autoimmune Diseases

4 Enfermedades autoinmunes

Autoimmune diseases are due to the fact that our own immune system (our defenses, which in theory are supposed to protect us against
should protect) attacks healthy cells in our body, among which may be located in the skin, resulting in various clinical manifestations.


5 psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to grow at a faster rate than normal.
Symptoms may vary from patient to patient. Most common is palm-sized “plaque” redness and can occur on both arms and legs. These plates then tend to flake off to a large extent.


6 cicatrices

Scars are the body’s natural response to the repair of an injury to the skin. When an injury occurs to the skin, such as a cut, burn, scrape, acne or surgery, the body sends cells to repair the damage and rebuild the tissue.


7 Cherry Angioma

A cherry angioma is a benign tumor caused by the abnormal growth of blood vessels that accumulate in a certain area.

Venereal Diseases

8 Enfermedades Venéreas

Sexually transmitted diseases, also called venereal diseases, can be expressed through viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites.

Capillaries Diseases

Hair diseases, also known as hair or scalp disorders, are conditions that affect both the scalp and the hair itself.


Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition of the body in which a person experiences excessive and uncontrollable sweating in different areas of the body.


11 Hirsutismo

It is a condition in which women develop excess male-pattern body and facial hair due to elevated levels of male hormones (androgens) in their body.

Nails Conditions

12 Enfermedades de las Uñas

Nail diseases are aesthetically disturbing and may indicate internal or dermatological diseases.

Skin Infections

13 Infecciones de la piel

The skin is like a protective shield that is colonized by a variety of bacteria and fungi. These are part of the skin’s natural flora. However, if the skin is injured or our immune system is attacked, these bacteria and fungi can become attackers penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin causing an infection.

Mucous Membranes Diseases

The mucous membrane (mucosa) is a protective layer that lines the inside of hollow organs such as the nose, mouth and genitals.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that can be seen under the skin.


Warts are skin growths that develop due to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

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